Monday, July 31, 2017

Working on Enochian Wands

Examples of Enochian Wands

Lazer Cut sides and tops for Hermanubis Enochian wands-4"x4"

H Frater P's Enochian Wand work...

Enochian tablets - Temple work...

Historical Enochian Tablets in perspective
Portal Door
   Outer Order (Black, White, and Red ONLY)

                                   another example of Outer Order Tablet (Black, White & Red)

Crowley's version from the Equinox

 Letter describing the coloring that is states Outer Order does have more colors than Black, White, & Red.

From the Circeros Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn

 From the Ciceros Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple

                                                Hermanubis Temple Temple Enochian Tablets
(Outer Order in English)




H Frater P's beginning work on his Enochian Tablets

Westcott's Enochian Tablets




Tablet of Union

7/13/17-Golden Dawn Outer Order HGA work-Day 1-Monday- (Moon in Aquarius) Invocation of GACNIEL (Yesod)

Holy Guardian Angel (HGA) Work-Phase 1-2017
H. Frater I.I.I.
Outer Order Work
Hermanubis G.D. Temple
9/23/1958   5:43 p.m.
Birth Planet – The Moon

Magickal techniques: 
Utilizing the Magician's astrological birth chart-look at the Degree Angels associated with the Planets and their positioning-on an individual basis, and then for one week-invoke the Degree Angel 3 times a day-according to the Planetary Hours, as a brief Introduction. The Planet's positioning in the astrological chart-connected-creates a sigil-which is then laid over the Planetary Kamea/Magick Square of an Individual's Planet at the time of birth-and the Hebrew associations will give one a name by which the Magician can Vibrate-and begin working with one's Holy Guardian Angel (HGA).

Moon (Yesod) 16-40 degrees Aquarius (Stable AIR) GACNIEL
  • Moon in Aquarius-Clever, Kind, Unpredictable, Quirky, Humanitarian
  • (Netzach of Yetzirah) 7 of Swords
Mercury (Hod) 20-54 degree Virgo (Expanding EARTH) JOCHIEL 
  • Mercury in Virgo-Rational, Logical, Meticulous, Fussy, Worried
  • (Malkuth of Assiah) 10 of Pentacles
Venus- (Netzach) 17-55 degrees Virgo (Expanding EARTH) ZACHIEL 
  • Venus in Virgo-Grounded, Analytical, Impeccable, Strict, Critical
  • (Yesod of Assiah) 9 of Pentacles
Sun (Tiphareth) 0-26 degrees Libra (Active AIR) IBAICH
  • Sun in Libra-Charming, Social, Romantic, Fair, Passive, Fickle
Mars (Geburah) 0-30 degrees Gemini (Expanding AIR) LATIEL 
  • Mars in Gemini-Inspiring, Motivating, Flexible, Challenging, Witty
  • (Yesod of Yetzirah) 9 of Swords
Jupiter (Chesed) 3-10 degrees Scorpio (Stable WATER) COSIEL 
  • Jupiter in Scorpio-Intuitive, Energetic, Intense, Powerful, Adaptable
Saturn (Binah) 19-52 degrees Sagittarius (Expanding FIRE) ZACHIEL 
  • Saturn in Sagittarius-Exploratory, Adventurous, Honest, Blunt, Serious
  • (Malkuth of Atziluth) 10 of Swords
Holy Guardian Angel
  • Moon in Libra-Adaptable, Beautiful, Artistic, Indecisive, Indulgent
  • (Chokmah of Yetzirah) 2 of Swords

  • Moon- 47 - Zayin Mem (ZM)
  • Mercury – 56- Vav Nun (O,U,V) N
  • Venus – 25- Heh Kaph (HKh)
  • Sun – 24-Daleth Kaph (DKh)
  • Mars- 20- Kaph (K (Kh)
  • Jupiter – 55- Heh Nun (HN)
  • Saturn – 70- Ayin (A)
HGA Name:
Ayin-Nun Heh-Kaph-Kaph Daleth-Kaph Heh-Nun Vav-Mem Zayin
Monday- 7/31/17 (Moon in Aquarius) Invoke GACNIEL
Planetary hours: 6:58-8:06/3:02-4:11/10:30-11:20
Tuesday-  8/1/17 (Mars in Gemini) Invoke LATIEL
Planetary hours: 6:58-8:07/3:02-4:10/10:30-11:20
Wednesday- 8/2/17 (Mercury in Virgo) Invoke JOCHIEL
Planetary hours: 6:59-8:07/3:02-4:10/10:29-11:19
Thursday-  8/3/17 (Jupiter in Scorpio) Invoke COSIEL
Planetary hours: 7:00-8:08/3:02-4:10/10:29-11:19
Friday- 8/4/17 (Venus in Virgo) Invoke ZACHIEL
Planetary hours: 7:01-8:08/3:02-4:09/10:28-11:18
Saturday- 8/5/17 (Saturn in Sagittarius) Invoke ZACHIEL
Planetary hours: 7:01-8:09/3:01-4:09/10:27-11:18
Sunday- 8/6/17 (Sun in Libra) Invoke IBAICH
Planetary hours: 7:02-8:09/3:01-4:09/10:27-11:17
Monday- 8/7/17 Moon Invoke HGA: A-Nh-Kh-KhD-KhH-NO-MZ (Moon in Libra)
Planetary hours: 7:03-8:10/3:01-4:08/10:26-11:17

HGA Prayer:
"In the name of the blessed and holy Trinity, I do desire ye, strong and mighty angel __________(name of angel) of ___________ (Planet), that if it be the divine will of him who is called Tetragrammaton, the holy God, the Father, that I may obtain the great mercy of your knowledge, in as far as we shall not transgress the bounds of the divine mercy and goodness, by requesting unlawful knowledge; but that thou wilt graciously shew us what things are most profitable for us to know and do, to the glory and honour of his divine majesty who liveth and reigneth world without end, and that all things may work together for thy honour and glory, to whom with thee, the Son and Blessed Spirit, be ascribed all might, majesty, and dominion, world without end. Adonai, Elohim, El, Eheieh Asher Eheieh, Prince of Princes, Existence of Existences, have mercy upon me, and cast thine eyes upon thy servant (N.) who invoketh thee most devoutly, and supplicateth thee by thy holy and tremendous name, Tetragrammaton, to be propitious and to summon thine angels to come and take up their abode in this place; O all ye angels present before the face of God, I the minister and faithful servant of the most high conjure ye, let God himself, the Existence of Existences, conjure ye to come and be present at this operation; I the servant of God, most humbly entreat ye. Amen.

HGA Incense (Hebrew letter association from The Magical and Ritual Use of Perfumes
~Richard Alan Miller & Iona Miller~:
  • Ayin-Galbanum
  • Nun-Benzoin. opopanax
  • Heh-Dragon’s blood
  • Kaph-Saffron
  • Kaph-Saffron
  • Daleth-Sandalwood, myrtle
  • Kaph -Saffron
  • Heh—Dragon’s blood
  • Nun – Benzoin, opopanax
  • Vav-Storax
  • Mem –onycha, myrrh
  • Zayin-wormwood, orchid

  • 1 part Galbanum
  • 2 parts- Benzoin, opopanax
  • 2 parts- Dragon’s blood
  • 3 parts- Saffron
  • 1 part- Sandalwood, myrtle
  • 1 part Storax
  • 1 part Onycha, myrrh
  • 1 part- Wormwood, orchid

Chaldean personality:

Total: 57 (5+7=12) (1+2=3)
Positive: Artistic, Good Imagination, Cheerful, Enthusiastic, Expressive, Optimistic, Singing, Speaking,
Negative: Critical of others, Exaggerates, Impulsive, Jealous, Moody, Scattered, Wears too much make-up/gaudy clothes.
Destructive: Jealous, Gossip, Hypocrite, Intolerant, uses hateful words.
Repeated numbers
Masculine/Feminine, Salesman,
Positive: Adaptable, Charming, Witty, Adventurous, 
Negative: Careless, Impatient, takes dangerous chances

Destructive: Gambler, Overindulgent in sex, drugs, alcohol, food, Perversion. Rude.

                      Frater I.I.I. dressed all in White-with Angelic Pentagram Lamen and Almond Wand

                                                       GACNIEL in Luna (Violet) (HOD)   
                                                    LATIEL in Mars (Red) (GEBURAH)            

                                                    JOCHIEL in Mercury (Orange) (HOD)

                                                      COSIEL in Jupiter (Blue) (CHESED)                       

                                                  ZACHIEL in Venus (Green) (NETZACH)

                                                       ZACHIEL in Saturn (Black) (BINAH)

                                                     IBAICH in Sol (Yellow) (TIPHARETH)                                                

                                            Holy Guardian Angel in Luna (Violet) (CHOKMAH)

                                                           A'Nh'Kh'KhD'Kh'H’ NO’MZ