Sunday, August 27, 2017

Monday, August 7, 2017

8/7/17-Final 7+1 days of Angelick Invocations (Phase 1 of Frater I.I.I. HGA work)


Completion of Phase 1 of Frater I.I.I. HGA work-calling upon the HGA Angel's presence during the Hour of Luna.

Completed Phase 1 of my HGA work-and this morning was Absolutely Amazing!!! 

Went through the normal process-setting the HGA in Luna sigil out-

lighting the candles-moving them to a triangle-apex upwards for the Masculine aspects of my HGA-through the GD calculations and gender specifics regards the Hebrew letters...lit the candles and added incense...

(Interesting side note-the charcoal tab would go out on its own accord ALL week-except for Today-when it burned completely out-filling the room with the Wonderful smell of the Incense of Abramelin) 

-Anointed my forehead with the Anointed Oil of Abramelin

...intoned the Invocation. At the point where I would vibrate the Divine Name-it started slowly-then progressed Significantly-to the point where it went well past the number of letters in the Name (15 letters/15 Vibratory Naming)-and begin to automatically change in pitch...interesting experience...and by the end-my Whole Body was Buzzing with energy-the hairs on my arms were standing at attention...

Consider Phase 1st of my Holy Guardian Angel a SUCCESS!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Frater I.I.I.-Recipe for Anointing Oil of Abramelin-(from 2010)

Frater I.I.I.-Recipe for Anointing Oil of Abramelin-(from 2010)

Anointing Oil of Abramelin

The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage (S.L. MacGregor Mathers translation):
You shall prepare the sacred oil in this manner: Take of myrrh in tears, one part; of
fine cinnamon, two parts; of galangal half a part; and the half of the total weight of
these drugs of the best oil olive. The aromatics you shall mix together
according unto the art of the apothecary, and shall make thereof a balsam, the which
you shall keep in a glass vial which you shall put within the cupboard (formed by the interior) of the altar.

So…first you begin the process on the New Moon, first obtaining a 'birthing bottle' in which to 'birth' your anointing oil…

Then you begin with Virgin Olive Oil, and place in the Birthing Bottle on the night of the New Moon, and let it sit out under the full influence of the New Moon.

  • Olive being under the influence of the Planet/planetary hour of Sol- the SUN and the Element FIRE/South...
The next opportunity, you add the

  • One Part Myrrh in tears-Myrrh being under the influence of the Planet/planetary hour of MARS and the Element FIRE/South.
  • Two Parts of Cinnamon, Cinnamon being under the influence of the Planet/planetary hour of Sol-the SUN and the Element FIRE/South. 
  • Next we add the Galangal 1/2 part. Galangal being under the influence of the Planet/planetary hour of MARS and the Element FIRE/South.
Now you allow the ingredients to gestate within the belly of the Birthing Bottle for the full cycle of the Moon, it is then ready to use ritualistically…

'The art of the Apothecary', is the Birthing Bottle, which in essence you create the Anointing Oil…now much like the concept of sour dough bread…The novel thing about sourdough baking is that it requires that you keep something alive. The Anointing Oil of Abramelin, IN the Birthing Bottle is to be viewed as 'something alive'…just like the yeast and bacteria in sour dough bread which form a stable symbiotic relationship, so too shall the combination of the Myrrh, Cinnamon, and Galangal form a living entity, and can live for centuries, a thriving colony of microorganisms. You merely recharge it ritually as Virgin Olive Oil is added as needed.


• ALEPH. Spiritual. Wings generally, epicene, rather male than female,
• rather thin type.
• BETH. Active and slight. Male.
• GIMEL Grey, beautiful yet changeful. Feminine, rather full face and
• body.
• DALETH. Very beautiful and attractive. Feminine. Rather full face and
• body.
• HEH. Fierce, strong. rather fiery; feminine.
• VAU. Steady and strong. Rather heavy and clumsy, masculine.
• ZAYIN. Thin, intelligent, masculine.
• CHETH. Full face, not much expression, feminine.
• TETH. Rather strong and fiery. Feminine.
• YOD. Very white and rather delicate. Feminine.
• CAPH. Big and strong, masculine.
• LAMED. Well-proportioned; feminine.
• MEM. Reflective, dream-like; epicene, but female rather than male.
• NUN. Square determined face, masculine, rather dark.
• SAMEKH. Thin rather expressive face; masculine.
• AYIN. Rather mechanical, masculine.
• PEH. Fierce, strong, resolute, feminine.
• TZADDI. Thoughtful, intelledual, feminine.
• QOPH. Rather full face, masculine.
• RESH. Proud and dominant, masculine.
• SHIN. Fierce, active, epicene, rather male than female.
• TAU. Dark, grey, epicene; male rather than female.

8/3/17-Golden Dawn Outer Order HGA work-Day 4-Thursday- (Jupiter in Scorpio) Invocation of COSIEL (Chesed)

Interesting enough-utilizing the Hebrew letter gender associations-6 of my Astological Degree Angels are Feminine-one Hermaphrodite and one Masculine-which happens to be my HGA

This morning 8/3/17-there were some very powerful imagery. The image of the Angel COSIEL was somewhat flickering on the Astral-and the Angel was dressed in a very thin, very, very pale blue robe, that seem to be moved by a phantom wind. His face was very stern-and his body was strong-and yet delicate (yes-he did seem to be Masculine to me in appearance, but was rather Feminine in his movements-very precise-almost like a dancer.

The Oil of Abramelin this morning was VERY strong-with the scent of Cinnamon very powerful-so much so-that I rubbed the length of my Almond Wand with it afterwards.

This Angel had long-very flowing and free white hair-that also moved as if there was a strong wind. There was a sense of calmness-and power-to the imagery-to the ritual itself, and to the environment-which has been missing in the rather Chaotic rest of the week's HGA work-after the first day's Invocations of GACNIEL of the Moon/Yesod on Monday...