Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Hermanubis Golden Dawn Temple - Progression (non-traditional Golden Dawn) Aspects 2019

The Hermanubis Golden Dawn Temple (Working Temple & Study Group)

Progression Aspects 2019


      The Double Wand of Power (DWoP) (page 502 Secrets of a Golden Dawn TempleChic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero will be created and utilized during the 0=0 Neophyte work. Page 502 Secrets of a Golden Dawn TempleChic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero

·         Utilizes a White Lamp for the Keryx-rather than the ‘Traditional Golden Dawn ‘Red’ Lamp-The Lamp of the Keryx- Secrets of a Golden Dawn TempleChic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero-pages 56-57

o   “The Red Lamp [is] to signify the Hidden Fire over which he [the Keryx] watches-

o   (Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn TraditionChic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero-pages 26-27)-“who leads all Mystic circumambulations carrying the lamp of my office…my lamp is the symbol of the Hidden Knowledge”

o   Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic- Stephen Skinner-page 252-“There are frequent references in the PGM (Papyri Greek Manuscript) to not using coloured red, or more specifically tainted with red lead. This might apply to lamps coloured with red ochre (miltos). The reason apparently is to avoid the symbolism of or called Seth-Typhon.

o   Footnote #4-Red has a well-known association with ‘demonic’ gods like Seth and Apophis. Red is the preferred ink colour for writing the names of demons or enemies. The avoidance of the colour in the PGM is based on symbolism, especially in the case of the scrying lamps.


·                  Elemental Tools (Created in the Outer Order, Consecrated in N.A.M. (Neophyte Adeptus Minor),       Utilized in Z.A.M. Zelator Adeptus Minor) Secrets of a Golden Dawn TempleChic and Sandra      Tabatha Cicero

o   1=10 Zelator-EARTH Pentacle, (page 459)

o   2=9 Theroicus-AIR Dagger, (page 464)

o   3=8 Practicus-WATER Chalice, (page 466)

o   4=7 Philosophus-FIRE Wand (page 472)

for the Fraters/Sorors are done in the Outer Order in direct association with the Elemental Degree work, but are Not Consecrated until the 2nd Order-5=6 Adeptus Minor.

·                Nemsys tails for members of the Outer Order are filled with Herbs and Stones that are associated        with the Subtle Bodies/Chakra alignment for added protections.

·               Godforms are NOT assumed in the Outer Order Temple, as at this time-there are NOT Adepts (5=6     or above)-Rather the Officers are assumed and the work is manifested through ‘Names and                 Images”.  Page 5 of Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition -Chic and Sandra Tabatha            Cicero states:

o   “In the initiation ceremonies of the Golden Dawn, various participants known as officers assume certain godforms (i.e. that on the astral appearance and qualitieis of a god or goddess) who carry out specific durties in the ritual. True godform assumption should not be attempted by anyone who is not yet an Adept-(Footnote 12-Students who take on godforms before they are ready to do so many endanger themselves through psychic imbalance and deception.)

Rather-When the Temple is activated-after the Acting Hierophant ‘Brings Down the Brilliant (Supernal) Light”-the 3 Primary Godforms associated with the 3 Chiefs:

·         Isis as Praemonstrator or Praemonstratrix,

·         Nephthys as Imperator or Imperatrix,

·         Thoth as Cancellarius or Cancellaria

are ‘Evoked’ through their presence (i.e. Godform candles, lamens, and tools) into the Temple Space.

Members of the Hermanubis Golden Dawn Temple assume the Officership duties and will do so until the Equinox rituals, at which time-the duties of the Officers are rotated for the next 6 months.

Officer responsibilities are assumed during ritual by donning the lamen, and tool of the Officer and then transfer/transmission as needed to other Officers.

            The “Box for Geomantic Divination” (Page 508 Secrets of a Golden Dawn TempleChic and             Sandra Tabatha Cicero (as created during the 1=10 Zelator EARTH Degree) as stated on page             511)

o   “The box should be filled with dry black earth…the soil can be taken from a special or sacred place to help reinforce a strong spiritual bind between the earth and the geomancer.” The ‘dirts’ and their associations are based upon the ‘Hoodoo’ associations and definitions.

o   Dirt from your own property can be used as an ingredient when you want to protect your home or the people in it.

o   Dirt from the property of an enemy is, of course, a little harder to get and may require a midnight stroll to pull it off. The edge of their yard works just as well as the center of it so be cautious in your collecting.

o   Dirt from a bank can be used in workings of prosperity. Especially good if you plan to apply for a loan at a particular bank.

o   Dirt from a church can be used in spiritual matters, prayers, and petitions. Some consider this a good place to collect dirt for love work. I’d think it would more suited for matters of marriage, especially if one was married in a church. Collect dirt from the church you were actually married in to use as an ingredient in work that strengthens your marriage such as ADAM and EVE spells.

o   Dirt from an ancestral home or homeland may be used to help connect with the spirits of your own ancestors or strengthen your connection to the past. You can also incorporate the dirt with that of your own property or in plantings to bring that ancestral connection to your own land.

o   Dirt from a Crossroads. Crossroads Dirt is used in works/preparations to open (or close) roads and/or to send people (and situations) away.

      Dirt from a Graveyard. Graveyard Dirt is used in works/preparations to deaden a situation and             more.


·                A “Geomancy Wand’ is made to work with the Geomantic box (Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple      – Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero page 511.

·               A ‘Taoist Peach Wand’ is also created, to be utilized with the Geomantic Box by ‘drawing the sigil     of the Spirit or Entity that one is working with for a specific ritual.

o   “In direct association with the recent workings as well-in Tao Magic by Laszlo Legesa, the use of Geomancy and the Geomantic box is discussed. As we-in our Golden Dawn initiation in the 1=10 Zelator EARTH degree-created geomantic boxes-these opened up an interesting new twist on further use-than the described use by the Golden Dawn. (I did ask some GD folks-IF perhaps in regards to higher grade work-IF they incorporated any deeper usage of the Geomantic box-but no was known-or shared)...

The Peach-Wood Wand

"precise timing (was required) of Taoist occult rites...after the day and hour of the ceremony has been determined by an astrologer in accordance with the temple's geomancy, and the nature of the (ritual), a list was drawn up of those people whose presence would be inauspicious to the occasion. This was because of their eight characters (i.e. the cyclic double characters for year, month, day and hour of birth), would clash with the elements governing the auspiciousness of the chosen day. In fact, their presence would not only be an expression of disrespect, it might also incur the actual hostility of the spirits.

Equally elaborate was the procedure for making the peach-wood wands used in trance-drawings. In this type of talismanic composition [more often found in South China], the drawing was traced on a thin layer or sand or rice spread on a table (or in the geomantic box). The medium sometimes took the wand in both hands or, alternatively, allowed one hand to be held by the person wanting to establish contact with the Spirits and record the talismanic message. The drawing might be later transferred to paper, particularly if the diagram was proved to be sufficient powerful. The peach-wood was usually cut from a twig growing on the east side of the tree, since the peach was associated with the immortal paradise of the Queen Mother of the West, and the arrangement therefore symbolized the union of East and West. On the side opposite the twig, characters meaning 'Spirit of the Clouds' [yin] would be cut in the bark of the tree. As implements of automatic writing, these wands were regarded as especially powerful and were frequently used in exorcism, as were peach-wood calligraphic swords. According to popular Taoist belief, the instruments used for writing talismans and charms were themselves so powerful that they were capable of defeating not only ghosts and evil spirits, but also hostile animals and men."

The Blood sigil of the Spirit

In regards to talismanic composition, there are schools which incorporate blood-stained impressions left upon the paper by the cut tongue of the medium. These bloody marks represent the words of the Spirit, and the utterances of spells by the medium. It is also an example of the creation of new talismans by means of mediumistic practices of the Spirit Cloud (shen-hsiao) Sect of Taoism, which dates back to the Hsuan-ho reign period [AD 1119-26] of the Northern Sung Dynasty. These practices have survived until the present day in Hong Kong and Taiwan. M. Saso, in his Taoism and the Rite of Cosmic Renewal, has an illustration of a half-naked medium cutting himself with a sword while in trance, and carrying on his back a talisman dipped in blood."

·              ALL Enochian is removed from the Outer Order rituals-due to the same concept as Assumption of      Godforms by non-Adepts. ALL removed Enochian aspects of the Outer Order rituals will be done      independently during the Portal Work (i.e. Spirit).

·            Each Elemental degree-the Olympic Spirit associated with this Element in Evoked in traditional        grimoiric evocation methods based on Solomonic traditions-i.e. Triangle of Arte.

·         The degree system of the Golden Dawn is as follows

o   Grade: Name: Element/Planet/Sephirah

o   0=0 Neophyte —

o   1=10 Zelator Earth/Malkuth

o   2=9 Theoricus Air/Luna/Yesod

o   3=8 Practicus Water/Mercury/Hod

o   4=7 Philosophus Fire/Venus/Netzach

o   Portal Spirit (Enochian)

o   5=6 Adeptus Minor Sol/Tiphareth

o   6=5 Adeptus Major Mars/Geburah

o   7=4 Adeptus Exemptus Jupiter/Chesed

·         Technically-the Olypmic Spirits are introduced and studied in the Practicus 3=8 Grade. The Olympic Spirits are associated thus:

Tratraditional Evocation of Olympic Spirit 

o   therefore the other Olympic Spirits would NOT be Evoked until the Inner Order work-i.e.


 2=9, Luna/Moon – PHUL-Monday
3=8, Mercury- OPHIEL-Wednesday
4=7 Venus- HAGGITH-Friday
                        5=6, Sol/Sun- OCH-Sunday
                        6-5, Mars- PHALEGH-Tuesday
                  7=4 Jupiter-BETHOR-Thursday
                  8=3, Saturn- ARATRON-Saturday

·         so until then-we will only be working with Angelic Spirits in our Evocational Work. Of course this is open for discussions-but works within the Grade system-as well as energy processes that better suit the Magician to work within the parameters of certain spheres-to include the Planetary associations...

The names of the Olympic Spirits are Aratron, Bethor, Phaleg, Och, Hagith, Ophiel, and Phul. But these are 'titles' and a means to approach them. The Arbatel (the Arbatel of Magic which was bundled together with the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy of Cornelius Agrippa in the 16th century) says that each spirit, when approached, will tell you their true name. However these are unique for every person and only will last for 40 years, perhaps because each force changes over time and after a 40 year cycle it is so different that it can't be called the same thing any more. (Nick Farrell)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Portal Degree addendum Alchemical/Astrological Work

The Hermanubis G.: D.: Temple-as An addendum to our Portal Degree work is taking one’s Astrological chart-finding the Planet in each Astrological sign (Planet IN Sign-as planets move-constellations remain stationary) and researching an Herb that can be associated with Both the Planet AND the Astrological sign, then creating an herbal Alchemical Spagyric Tincture (Potion) for each-to be utilized in future Adept-Higher Grade degree Work.

These individual specific Planetary-Astrological Herbal Alchemical Spagyric Tinctures )Potions) will be Instrumental to the Vault work and use…

Specifically-as an example-IF the Vault’s Lunar wall-energies are being utilized-Invoked, each Adept will consume a calculated amount of that Planetary-Astrological Herbal Alchemical Spagyric Tincture (Potion) to better ‘assume’ those Energies during Ritual Work

We feel this will also help us in our Holy Guardian Work at a later point-in working with the Degree Angels of our Individual charts-towards Meeting and Working eventually with our HGA.

Monday, March 25, 2019

3/24/19 Vernal Equinox ritual

Hermanubis Golden Dawn Temple - Vernal Equinox 3/24/19

"Vernal Equinox: As the Sun enters Aries for the Northern Hemisphere with its Marian energy, the Golden Dawn performs a corresponding ritual intended for the outward growth of the Temple, for enrichment of the group. The nature of the rituals at this time are Isiac, expansive and anabolic."

The Equinox & Solstice Ceremonies of the Golden Dawn
~Pat & Chris Zalewski~


Honored Hierophantissa A.K. 

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Crux Ansata is Latin for “handle-shaped cross,” referring to the ankh. The ankh cross is a sacred symbol which alludes to the manifestation of the divine life force. It also signifies the divine union of opposites; active and passive, male and female. The ankh combines the masculine Tau shape with the feminine oval, alluding to the powers of generation. The shape of the ankh expresses a profound idea—that of the circle of life spreading outwards from its origin and manifesting into the four elements. From another point of view, the circle of the ankh alludes to the sun, the horizontal line to the sky, and the vertical line to the Earth. As a microcosmic sign, the circle would represent the human head or reasoning powers (or the sun, which gives man life), the horizontal line his arms, and the upright line his body.
Of primary importance is the fact that the ankh is a form of the symbol of Venus, the planet whose wall is the door into the Vault of the Adepti (i.e. the Second Order). It is thus the symbolic “key” into the temple of the Inner Order, the “Key of Life,” and another form of the Rose and Cross. Venus is the only planet whose sigil embraces all of the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Therefore the wand is painted to represent the force of the ten Sephiroth in nature, divided into a hexad and a tetrad. The oval embraces the first six Sephiroth, and the Tau Cross contains the lower four, answering to the four elements. This “Key of Life” is a potent tool for unlocking centers of energy within the Adept: creating a pathway for the natural influx of divine Light.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday, January 6, 2019