Saturday, June 27, 2020
The Washing of the Feet-'Shekinah Glory' Oil
The Golden Dawn Temple of Hermanubis, has, as it seems most GD Temple, (or Orders) has had it share of disastrously and destructive EGO encounters over the years... In fact-in the very beginning-the original establishment of the Golden Dawn Temple in Lubbock, we had a very different form.
The Original Temple was the Hermanubis Maat Temple of the Golden Dawn-established on October 23, 2009. The first Neophyte 0=0 Initiation Rituals were held on January 30th, 2010. These were led by Frater DATz 3=8 with permission from his Mother Temple (Golden Dawn Temple of BENNU in Albuquerque New Mexico.) and their VH Hierophantissa OZ.
This was a wonderful time-and we were very excited-but within the short time frame of a little over a year-July 16, 2011-the Hermanubis Maat Temple of the Golden Dawn officially disbanded and formed two separate temples. Two of us continued with our studies and formed the Hermanubis GD Study Group and Working Temple. This is the manifestation that we continue to work with to this day.
The thing is, often the EGO manifests, and like a sweeping wildfire, burns through everything, not carrying about who or what it scotches in the process. But as in true Wildfire form-it burns down to the roots, which IF strong-will flourish and regrow.
This is something that has concerned us ever since-as it does have the tendency to leave scars. I would like to think that these scars are badges of wisdom, but probably closer to the truth-they are badges of simply getting burnt in our beliefs and trusts...and those energies are closely guarded afterwards.
There are two things that we at the Hermanubis GD Temple do now-in efforts of hopefully not to allow these EGO energies to grow and grow out of control.
One is at each of the Equinoxes, we allow different members of the Temple to become Hierophant for 6 months This includes leading the rituals, as well as directing the specifics of the studies for the 6 months. This keeps things fresh, allows for each individual to get a feel for the energies of the Hierophant, better understand the difficulties behind this position, and participate in one other thing. The Washing of the Feet.
In our studies we came across ritual aspects in the GD corpus, that include ritual inclusive work that involves the powers of the Shekinah
We discovered a recipe for an oil-simply called 'Shekinah Glory'-it is a special blend of many prophetic oils. The Hebrew word "Shekinah" means -to settle, inhabit or dwell. The Hebrew word for Glory is "Kabod" It means "The weightiness of all that God is" The revelation of all that He is. We want to experience His glory every day in our lives as He unfolds all that He is to us.As He settles, inhabits and dwells in us. Some of the prophetic oils blended in this oil are Spikenard, Onycha, Pomegranate, Henna, Hyssop, Galbanum, Almond.
We do this 3 times a year...once at the conclusion of an individual's 0=0 Neophyte ritual, in which the Hierophant bows before the newly Initiated and 'washes their feet', and at each of the 2 Equinoxes, in which the Hierophant washes the feet of all Temple members. This draws out the energy of humility from the Hierophant, in very ancient form.
The Prayer that we utilize also comes from GD Source material, and is as follows:
Washing of the Feet of the 0=0 Neophyte by the Hierophant with the Holy Anointing Oil of the Shekinah
Prayer to the Holy Shekinah: Invocation of the Merkavah-tau Malachi
Kodesh Imma, Holy Mother, We praise you and we bless you, Shekinah of the Most High, Throne of Supernal Grace, Matrix of the Divine Light, We praise and we bless your name, And we give thanks to you! Kodesh Kallah, Holy Bride, We praise you and we bless you, Shekinah of the Messiah, Fire of the Pentecost, Kingdom of Heaven, We praise and we bless your name, And we give thanks to you! O Holy Shekinah, please come to rest upon us, Purify and sanctify us, and anoint us; (Hierophant anoint 0=0 Neophyte’s feet with the Holy Anointing Oil of the Shekinah) We pray to you, Holy Mother, bless us; We pray to you, Holy Bride, bless us! O Divine Mother, give birth to the Spiritual Sun in us, And empower us to put on our Supernal Image, The Light of the True Cross; As you have joined us to yourself as the Holy Spirit, So join the images of the angels with us too, That we might appear in Beauty and Power, And be manifest in the Image of the Great Seth: With the Divine Power of the Hayyot Ha-Kodesh, Seraphim, Kerubim and Ofanim, Bless us; With the Divine Power of the Aralim, Hashmalim, Malakim and Ashim, Bless us; With the Divine Power of the Elohim and Beni Elohim, and all holy angels, Bless us; Through your blessing and grace, let the holy orders of angels form our Body of Light, And let the Divine Power of the seven archangels shine as our Interior Stars, Set the Divine Presence of your Great Angel around us as our Aura, And imbue us with the Spirit and Soul of the Messiah; Empower us to arise in the image of Hua, the Great Angel of the Lord, Our tongue become as the Sword of Flashing Fire, Our Body and Soul as the Divine Merkavah! O Kallah Messiah, Anointed Bride, Illuminate our minds with Divine Gnosis, Enflame our hearts with Divine Love, And make our bodies shine with Divine Light; Open our ears that we might hear the Voice of our Beloved, And open our eyes that we might see the Holy One, Anoint our feet that we might go forth in the Resurrection, And lead us in the Path of the Great Ascension! O Holy and Supernal Shekinah, rest upon us, Move with, in and through us, Accomplish the Great Work in us, And come to manifest as us – Heal us, Holy Mother, And let the Entirety be healed; Perfect us, Holy Bride, And let the Entirety be perfected; In the Spiritual Sun we are healed and made whole, In the Grace of the Holy Shekinah we are perfect and complete! Hallelu Imma! Hallelu Kallah! Hallelu Yah! Amen and amen. O Kodesh Imma, O Kodesh Kallah, as we pray for ourselves, So do we pray for all your children, all sentient beings: We pray that the Light generated by this prayer may be a blessing upon all beings, And we pray for the extension of the Divine Light to one and all alike; We pray for the fulfillment of all beings in the Risen Messiah – All gathered into You, Holy Mother, Holy Bride. Amen.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Circular Altar of the Vault of the Adepti for the Hermanubis Temple of the Golden Dawn
"Although in the Tomb, the sun does not shine, it is lit by the symbolic Rose of our Order in the center of the first heptagonal ceiling. In the midst of the Tomb stands a circular altar with these devices and descriptions on it:
A.G.R.C., Ad Gloriam Roseae Crucis, 'To honor the cross Roses'
A.C.R.G., Ad Crucis Rosae Gloriam. 'Rose Glory of the Cross'
Hoc Universal Compendium Unius Mihi Sepulchrum Feci. 'Unto the Glory of the Rose Cross I have constructed this Tomb for myself as a compendium of the universal unity.'
"Within the next circle is written: (in Hebrew) Yeheshua Mihi Omnia, 'Yeheshua is all things to me.' In the center are four figures
one [for each] of the letters of the Tetragrammaton:
Yod-Lion-Nequaquam Vacuum-'Nowhere a void.'
Heh-Eagle-Libertas Evangelii-'Liberty of the Gospel.'
Vau-Man-Dei Intacta Gloria-'Unsullied Glory of God.'
Heh (Final)-Ox-Legis Jugum-'Yoke of the Law,'
and in the midst of all is SHIN, the letter of the SPIRIT forming thus the Divine name YEHESHUA, from Tetragrammaton. Therefore, by God's grace having come thus far, let us kneel down together."
[May our Wands be] be joined above the altar in the Future!
Blessed Solstice to the members of the Golden Dawn Temple of Hermanubis!
Hermanubis Circular Altar
Vault of the Adepti
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Hermanubis Vault of the Adepti
Continued work on the Golden Dawn Temple of Hermanubis' Vault of the Adepti
The Golden Dawn Temple of Hermanubis has been continuing the work on our Temple's Vault of the Adepti.
The 'traditional' Golden Dawn 'old school' way of hand mixing the paints, was followed, rather than digitally doing the walls.
It is a VERY different process, and one that feels 'right'...much more Infused with personal energies and intentions...Don't get me wrong-Digitally creating is difficult, and has its own challenges, but this process just 'feels' different.
SO-here is what was done-and this is the results...
Paints were blended (According to The Magic Machine by Nick Farrell) 20% Planetary color, to the initial 80% energies of the Square. Basically a 5-1 ratio of color)

4 Mars squares were created: the first two- the Jupiter Wall and the Mercury Wall.

Secondly- Mars squares for -the Saturn Wall and the Sun Wall.

These have a Very different feel that the digitally generated squares.
Digitally generated Moon wall, 20% blue wash over the squares

Here is a picture of the Whare Ra Vault, notice the 'dingy' dark feel to the colors, much closer to the ones that were hand mixed and painted by the GD Hermanubis Temple.

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